Polygyny: Dealing with Resistance and Acceptance

Polygyny Maybe? A Practical Guide to Polygyny (eBook)

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This is a short and useful digital book you can get and share with your friends. If you are already in polygyny or aspiring to practice it in future this is a must read. Spending a few dollars to learn from the experiences of others is better than making mistakes that can be avoided. The…

Chapter 3


Bilal’s wife Ayesha will not agree to him marrying another

wife. Years had passed by since Fatimah, and Bilal was now

engaged in talks with yet another woman. By now this is the third

woman he is engaged with. Each and every time he went to Ayesha

she refused him on the grounds that the woman was not suitable.

Bilal has begun to think that no woman will be acceptable and that

the only way he would be able to marry another woman is if he

does it without his wife’s approval.

Mariam, the woman Bilal wants to marry, was at first totally

against the idea of being a second wife. She refused any such

suggestion from Bilal out right, and yet she continued to talk to

him. Men often ask me two questions about getting a woman to

agree. The first question is how to get the first wife to agree and the

second is how to get another woman to agree to marriage when

you already have a wife. Let’s focus on the second part first

because it is the easier of the two. As a guy all you have to be is

upfront. Never deceive a woman about your marital status if it is

you want a second wife. Always say that you are married and that

you are open to the idea of having another wife. Most women

would be apprehensive at first, but if you are a likeable guy might

actually find themselves agreeing. In my short life time, five

women agreed to marry me despite my other wives. None of those

women were previously married or old. Mariam, although initially

13averse to polygyny eventually agreed because she genuinely likes

Bilal. Women do not aim for polygyny. They normally aim for

monogamy. Women end up in polygyny because they like a man

who is already married or they are with a man who is polygynous.

One day, Bilal lets his wife know that he has married again.

Ayesha is furious and the marriage almost ends in divorce, but then

the two agree to try to make it work nevertheless. Very often when

embarking on polygyny it reaches a point where the only way the

man will ever achieve it is if he just does it. Countless men say

they would like to have another wife but their current wife won’t

agree and so they refrain from doing so. Most women who are

married monogamously will not agree to the husband marrying

another wife. It is normally women who are single that are in

favour of polygyny because it opens up the marriage market to

include men that are already married. Since so few men can

actually afford marriage to begin with, and even a greater number

are simply not willing to marry, it seems almost necessary to view

married men as also available.

How should you go about trying to get your wife to agree to

polygyny? The answer is brutal. You can’t get her to agree. What

you should do is not seek her approval. If you really want another

wife, you should marry another wife whether she agrees to it or

not. However, once you have married another wife, make sure not

to neglect your first wife and if possible spend more time with her

than your new wife. Every new wife should understand that it is

very difficult for the first wife to have to adjust when she was

monogamously married to begin with. If a woman wants to marry

a married man, she should be prepared, at least in the first year or

two, to accept that she will not be given that much attention as she

might’ve liked. There is always going to be the need to do damage

control whenever you take another wife.

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