From the book, “Polygyny Maybe? A Practical Guide for Men”

Bilal decides that things might get serious with Fatimah and

decides to tell his wife that he wants to marry her. His wife is

devastated by the news and wants nothing to do with Bilal. In fact,

she threatens to leave. For a while Bilal decides to stop seeing

Fatimah because he is unable to handle the pressure at home. After

a while, Bilal decides to no longer pursue having another wife. For

now, his wife has won the battle. However, she will not win the

war. Fatimah is devastated but doesn’t entirely lose hope.

There isn’t an easy way for a man to tell his wife that he wants

to marry another wife. We live in an era of monogamy and covert

polygyny. We do not live in an era of overt polygyny and hence

when a man decides he wants another wife he should expect

resistance from basically everyone around him. What should he


Always tell your wife or wives when it is you are about to

embark on marrying another wife. If you do not do so you will lose

their trust, which is worse than the immediate backlash you’ll get.

When men marry other women secretly they live in a constant state

of having to lie which makes their lives unbearably stressful and

would often in the end result in divorce anyway- when the wife

finds out.

I know a guy who had two wives because he works in another

country. The wife in the country he works doesn’t know about his

9wife at home, and the wife at home doesn’t know about his wife

overseas. He had kids with both wives and in the end could not

deal with the stress of having to permanently travel to keep down

the demands of both families who also didn’t know about each

other. Admittedly, some men have their reasons for not telling their

wives. They are convinced that the wife would leave with their

children and so hope to offset the impending doom. If that is the

case, don’t marry another woman. If you can’t level with your

wife, you shouldn’t have another wife.

What I have seen often in the years of dealing with polygynous

couples is that men often blame their first wives for wanting to take

another wife. That is uncharitable and unkind because it is also

untrue. Men who marry additional wives do so because they want

to. It is a calling for them to have several wives and so it can never

be the fault of the first wife. In fact, more often than not, the first

wife is frankly the most loyal of all the wives he might have

because she married him when he was nothing but a promise.

Whereas, his other wives would have not married him if he wasn’t

already established and capable. If a woman sticks around after her

husband takes another wife, it’s usually because she loves him

regardless of what he did. I’ve seen cases where the second wife

leaves because the husband takes a third wife and yet she expected

the first wife to accept her existence.

If you are a single man and you have a polygynous outlook then

you should be sure to mention that to any women you might be

interested in. The battle is half won if you choose the path that you

want to walk on from the start. Don’t sort of wait for a woman to

first fall in love with you before you break the news to her. It is

preferable that you marry a woman in the first instance that is in

favour of a polygenist lifestyle.

Polygyny Maybe? A Practical Guide to Polygyny (eBook)

Original price was: $9,99.Current price is: $8,99.

This is a short and useful digital book you can get and share with your friends. If you are already in polygyny or aspiring to practice it in future this is a must read. Spending a few dollars to learn from the experiences of others is better than making mistakes that can be avoided. The…

If you are a single woman and you are considering polygyny, be

sure to let the guy you are interested in know that that’s how you

want things to be done. If you are a married woman and your

husband is interested in polygyny understand that in the world we

live in today, only a decent man would even bother to broach that

subject with his wife. In reality, if all he wanted was to sleep

around, he could have done that without ever saying anything.

While monogamy might very well have been your marriage

preference as his only wife, ask yourself whether remaining with

him as you husband would still be worth it regardless? Has he been

a terrible husband to you in monogamy? If he has been, this would

probably be a good opportunity to finally leave, but if he hasn’t

been, this is probably a good opportunity to support him in his

decision even though you hate it.

I have seen countless single mothers and divorcees beg their ex

husbands to take them back after a full hardy divorce. I have seen

women who left polygynous marriages ask their ex husbands to

take them back as third and forth wives. While social media and

the abundance of male attention reinforces a fake sense of demand,

the truth is that there are not many men in the world that will

actually marry you. The world we live in today is a world in which

many men would gladly have sex with any woman who is willing

to open her legs, but not many men will be happy to settle down

with any woman. Men have gradually and steadily lost respect for

women on account of the ease with which they are able to sleep

with them. Also, men who have experience with lots of women

being willing to sleep with them despite being married or in a

relationship, find it hard to trust women. If you as a woman are

interested in a marriage, then ninety nine times out of one hundred,

the man you are now married to is the best man you’ll ever have.

It’s always better to have an open discussion about polygyny

before ever embarking on marriage. However, if you got married

having agreed on polygyny it is important to find another wife

relatively soon. The longer you take to get married to your second

wife the more settled your first wife will feel in monogamy. The

more settled she feels, the harder it will be for her to accept

polygyny afterwards. Hence, if you are sure that polygyny is what

you want, then you must embark on it from the start. You should

try to marry another wife within three years of marriage to the first,

but if you can do it within the same year it will be better for


11Bilal had told his wife before marriage that he wanted to

practice polygyny. However, he didn’t pursue it until many years

later. By then, his wife had thought that he already forgot about the

idea and that they would be monogamously married forever.

However, Bilal never forgot about polygyny and now when he

finally felt that he wanted to fulfil his goal, it met stiff resistance.

At first, he decided that perhaps he could just remain monogamous,

but soon found himself distracted again. It is often the case that

once a man has decided to embark on polygyny he will not change

his mind. Rather than be prohibitive, the best thing that a wife can

do is try to in the very least make sure that the woman her husband

marries will be someone that she can work with. There are always

times in polygyny when women will have to cooperate with each


A smart woman that is monogamously married to a man who

would prefer to be polygynous, will find him another wife that she

is capable of getting along with and who is also able to be a good

wife to her husband. While it is a very difficult prospect to have to

be involved in the process of choosing a wife, it is the one chance

you have to help determine the future of your own marriage. If

your husband marries and incredibly difficult woman who makes

his life miserable, the effects of that will spill over into your

marriage. After all, it isn’t possible for a man to entirely separate

himself from how he might feel and as a result he will often show

up at your door miserable. The risk men run when they involve

their first wives in the process of choosing a second wife is that the

first wife will make sure she chooses someone less attractive and

less capable than herself so that there is little to no competition. If

you as a man sense that that is what’s going on, rather do not

involve your first wife at all. Choose your own wife independently,

entirely based on what you would like for yourself. Your first wife

would have to accept your choice.

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